Category Archives: Month by month. The second year.

From “Baaaakie” to Milk


Talking is slowly taking on a more understandable side…still have to have her repeat something till I finally get what she is on about. The latest cool word: Balloolooloon

Our little girl is now 27 months old. We have started potty training… :-S

She willingly climbs the stairs to our flat up and down and sometimes with no hand on the rail !! Her teeth are still taking their sweet time to come out. Her fangs have finally started to push through.  Soon she will have 6 on top and 6 on the bottom.

Have seriously considered dropping Afrikaans and just talking English to our little girl. She only hears Afrikaans from me, and the rest (or most) comes from English T.V. shows, English books and Mummy and Daddy talking to each other. And she can say waaaaaaaay more in English than in Afrikaans or German. Talking is not super smooth, but she understands my Afrikaans and her Dad’s English just fine.

LOVES Peppa Pig (British T.V. show) and Pooh!! And she is a big Ponyo fan too.

We get:”O dear” and she counts to 10. LOVES her multi coloured stuffed Dinosaur that we paid 50 c for from our local second hand shop.

Love being her Mummy !! Feel so blessed to have her.

2 Year Old In The House!!


Wow…the words are now coming out fast! A grand total of around 37 words by the time our little girl turned two. She also tells us now:”Go away”…and for those who know the British T.V. show In The Night Gardent…when we say to her:”Upsy Daisy”…she says:”Daisy Doo” . Loves to watch her Disney movies!! LOVES Beauty and the Beast and asks to watch ‘Beat’. Milk is still ‘Baakie’. Counting is going really well…we get:”One, two, three, four…three!” 😀

Also, when we ask her :” Barbie movie??… Mermaid, Three Musketeers or Fashion?”  we get told: “Tea” , yes Three Musketeers it is!

She still takes a nap during the day, but we get the odd day or two where she pushes through and ends up going to bed nice and early! She had her first hair cut just before she turned two and sat very still on the chair while her hair was being cut…so proud of her!! O’ and when she wants to get to something on a counter…or wants you to stop chasing her or tickeling her..she will tell us:”Cuggel!” Sneaky!! OOOooo and she loves to hand out kisses. Held my face the other day in her two little warm hands and just kept on planting them!! She does this sing song:”Kaaai” when you ask her something. Still not so keen on riding her Bobby Car, so we did not get her a Laufrad…that thing that looks like a bike but without the pedals. Maybe later this year she would like one…will see.

14 Month Old


She is a busy little thing! Still not walking, but is “walking” around with her VTech.  She LOVES her Dad and he gets called by his name too! When is she going to start saying Ma or Mama?!?

She copies her Dad’s ‘tickle-tickle-tickle’ by trying to say it and doing the hand movement allong…very sweet!

We all got sick a while ago and I tell ya, a sick baby is no joke. She ran a fever of 40 one early morning and we decided its best to take her in to the Hospital. Scary stuff…I also learned that a temp of 39 is fever and not the 38.

It looks like she is also going to be a big reader. We find ourselves wondering where she is because it’s all quite (and it is usually when it’s all quite that you know they are up to something!) and most of the time we find her sitting peacefully in front of her bookshelf ‘reading’ her books!!

We have this white tube of cream, and for some reason she really likes this tube…so when she gets her hands on it she will hold it out to me so that I can put a little bit in the palm of her hand. She then copies me rubbing the cream into her hands and then smelling it.

She is getting better and better at eating by herself. LOVES bread, any bread! Buns with raisins or chocolate bits, Bauernbrot, Toast and especially  old dried out crusty bits…hehe

I really want to stop breast-feeding and finding it not so easy! She still likes having a good feed and she especially likes to fall asleep while feeding, but her teeth! Man o man…its no joke any more. I have started to give her some warm milk with honey in it when she ‘tells’ me she wants to feed. And I try to let her fall asleep by herself instead of falling asleep while feeding. I actually have her here next to me sleeping soundly in her baby chair that changes in to a rocking chair. I placed her on it and at first it was great fun to be rocked (and a very good distraction from not having her usual feed) and then just like that she was fast asleep hehe.  So my plan is to cut down on the feeding as much as possible day by day and then hopefully, soon, no more.She does get very upset with me if she cannot get what she wants.


She is not breastfeeding any more. Took about a week. Gave her the warm milk and honey in a bottle with a No. 4 Avent teat, but have now changed it so she drinks it from her 6 to 18 month Nuk Sippy Cup instead and she actually drinks better from the sippy cup than the bottle. All good!!
