Monthly Archives: September 2009

7 Month old Baby



Wow, so decided to make a list of all the things she can do now and stuff she likes and does not like:

She is doing little push-ups,

moves backwards once she is on her tummy by pushing with her arms,

bangs two plastic cups together,

eating Zwiebach toast, slice of peach or apple on her own,

turns around on her bum 90 degrees,

sticks her finger in her mouth and makes noices like she is trying to talk,

knows her name,

loves being tickled and her Daddy pretending to bite  her fingers off,

stretches out her arms to welcome Mommies boob hehe,

nussels into my chest when she has had enough,

likes watching the light flashing while a tune is being played by her ‘Learn and Play Kitchen’,

still likes to Flip-Flap when she gets excited,

does NOT like her Dr.,

gives a very High Pitched Screech when she is not happy about something and sometimes a bit of arm flapping is added just to make sure we get it,

‘bites’ down on her gums and then gives us this, I dunno, …a gum smile??? hehe,

likes to eat Potato, Lam and Carrot Mix baby Food,

still not totally cool with drinking from the No.4 Avent Dummies and does not like drinking from that little spout from a Sippy Cup,

is falling back to sleep by herself (now and again) when she wakes up at night after having given a wee cry.

We love her sooo much! So glad we have her!!