Monthly Archives: March 2009

The Delivery…



Enter 2 February 2009…

Wow, what a day that was!! Finally we knew that she WAS COMING!!!

It happened in the weeeee hours of the morning. I felt super uncomfortable in bed around one in the morning and decided to get up coz I could not sleep anyways. Those fake labor cramps where coming very often I realized and so I decided to start timing it…we were already one week over due so…and THEN I got this painful cramp, and then every 4th cramp i got was really painful after that.  So finally  woke Mr. R up and we decided that this must be it and these painful cramps must be labor pains so we headed to the Hospital at 3 in the morning. We were laughing and joking about this hole thing because of the early hour and because we were really exited about it all!! (Geez, but I seem to like using the word Decided…will work on that)

I will not sit here and type that labor is fine, coz its not…its DAMN PAINFUL and I have sooooo much respect for women that can do it all with no medical help. So from the first pailful cramp to the last push, it all took us 8 hours. I tell you, it did not feel like 8 hours!! There was pain, and then the next moment she was on my chest with her Dad by our side.

Some more not so pleasant facts….

I lost my mucusplug about two hours into labor and if you have not been to the toilet to do a No.2…they will make you have a No.2 coz it acts as a block for baby to come out…nice.  You walk funny for a few days and your first shower after the drama is amazing! It takes time for your milk to come (thats if you are breastfeeding) and for your milk to come, you want baby to suck on you heaps…and it hurts after the first day. But as the saying goes..When it (starts) rain(ing)s, it (squirts like a fountain) pours.

You cannot prepare your self for this day so just go with it. You Can Do It!!!

I would just like to add that its a good idea to take birthing partner with that can tell you/help you to call down when the labor pains are at there worst and you are at your end…