Monthly Archives: March 2011



The last few days our little two year old Cadence has been telling us to “come”…
and last night was the first that she got sick all over me…and all I could do was hold her, facing me…covered in her sick…and tell her that everything is going to be ok. Poor thing! She is still a wee bit sick today, but think she will be all good tomorrow.

2 Year Old In The House!!


Wow…the words are now coming out fast! A grand total of around 37 words by the time our little girl turned two. She also tells us now:”Go away”…and for those who know the British T.V. show In The Night Gardent…when we say to her:”Upsy Daisy”…she says:”Daisy Doo” . Loves to watch her Disney movies!! LOVES Beauty and the Beast and asks to watch ‘Beat’. Milk is still ‘Baakie’. Counting is going really well…we get:”One, two, three, four…three!” 😀

Also, when we ask her :” Barbie movie??… Mermaid, Three Musketeers or Fashion?”  we get told: “Tea” , yes Three Musketeers it is!

She still takes a nap during the day, but we get the odd day or two where she pushes through and ends up going to bed nice and early! She had her first hair cut just before she turned two and sat very still on the chair while her hair was being cut…so proud of her!! O’ and when she wants to get to something on a counter…or wants you to stop chasing her or tickeling her..she will tell us:”Cuggel!” Sneaky!! OOOooo and she loves to hand out kisses. Held my face the other day in her two little warm hands and just kept on planting them!! She does this sing song:”Kaaai” when you ask her something. Still not so keen on riding her Bobby Car, so we did not get her a Laufrad…that thing that looks like a bike but without the pedals. Maybe later this year she would like one…will see.