Monthly Archives: June 2009

4 Months old


She can now almost sit on her own! She turns her head to look at you when you call her and she loves sticking her legs in the air and grabbing hold of her feet. It’s amazing how much she can do already, we are so proud of her!

Strange to walk around the shops with her though. People really like to get her attention. Like the other day I was holding her in my arms, she was facing away from me, and while I was looking at some stuff on the shelf, a lady came walking by and just started making these smooching kissie faces at her and ignored me. And then later, an old man asked me if he could please have a look at her saying :”Ag we süß, wunderbar so fix und fertig ne.” And dressing her from head to toe in pink and still getting asked :”Ist es ein Bub oder ein Mädchen?”

Trying to find the right toys for her…so much to choose from! And we are thinking of getting a smaller pushchair to take with us when we go places coz the one we have now, though very sturdy and tuff takes up all the space in the back of our car and not all that easy to put up and down. The best would be to find a thing that can hold a MaxiCosi, but I have not found one that you can buy separate, you have to buy the hole set (pushchair, baby carrier and maxicosi) to get this small (ideal) three legged pushchair that can hold her type of car seat.