16 Months Old


LOVES walking !!!

Playes “BOO”

Can now say:: Kak very clearly.

Train: sounds like Tain.

Crooked: sounds like Cooke.

Mommy, Mama clearly

Dad, Dada clearly.

Thank You: sounds like Ta-choo.

Hallo: sounds like Hawow.

Throughs her balls and catches them if you roll them to her.

Likes to have her teeth brushed.

Fake cough while holding her hand in front of her mouth (Aaaawwww!!)

Fake sneeze

Helps me hang up the washing. Hands me the clothing.

VERY good at climbing on to stuff now.

REALLY good at climbing stairs too!!

7 Teeth. 4 Top and 3 bottom.

Has mastered climbing down stairs and couches too…so proud of her.

We are going to two playgroups and baby swimming each week. Tuesdays playgroup in the morning and swimming in the late afternoon. Fridays the other playgroup. If the weather permits we head out to the playground each day for at least half an hour. The closest playground is about 20 min walk from home so add that and that’s a good 1 and a half hour of fresh air 😀

Trying to lose weight so that I am not “fat” going into my next pregnancy…YES, we are planning on starting with No.2. Hopefully be pregnant in August. My plan is then to get as fit as possible (and keep up the exercise while pregnant) and start taking those Pregnancy vitamins before we start.  Hopefully all goes well. Kinda looking forward to it!!

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