One Year Old!!


Big First Birthday today!! Wow, time has gone by so fast…I made her a Princess Castle Cake. Turned out really well I think! Considering that it was the first time that I made a 3 tier cake and worked with MMF (marshmallow fondant). Her Dad and I got her the VTech Baby Laptop and Walker for her birthday. He also took the day off, which I think is just super. He will be coming with to take pics and video our little one at her Baby Swimming Classes tonight.

Wow, so yes, one whole year! She is saying words like: kak, dad and baba

Not walking yet, but loves it when we hold her hands and help her to walk

Still only two bottom teeth BUT one can kinda see almost all the other teeth sitting really low inside the gums.


Blows kisses

Helps to get herself dressed.

Loves bath time. Because she is now pretty good at pulling her self up, bathing involves a lot of standing up in the baby tub…

Very gentil with the cats..most of the time.

Very loud!

Makes faces

Likes to feed herself.

Likes grapes and peas

Getting much better and drinking from her Nuk sippy cup by herself

Still breastfeeding

Waking up about two times a night

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