11 Months old!


Ooo, only one more month to go before the BIG 1 !!

She holds on to furniture and walks around.

Pages through her books.

Gives my chest a pat to say that she wants some milk.

Loves to be chased!

Eating was down, then it picked up again, but now down again…thinking that new teeth are on the way.

Slept through the night 3 nights in a row!!

Started watching Star Wars (started with Eps IV).

Closes her eyes tightly when she has had enough to eat or drink.

Unlocks her jaw…weird…hehe

Does this thing where she stands on the couch between her Dad and I. She kinda leans over to look us in the eye and when we say “Yes?” she shrieks and starts bouncing up and down while holding on to the couch.

She likes passing us things too…then we say ‘Thank you!” with a big smile on our faces and look all surprised again when she hands something to us for the 10th time…hehe

Really seems to like bouncing like a crazy when she hears a tune she likes!


Says ‘Hallo’, Dad, and now and then Mama.

When we ask her where one of our cats are, she looks for them. And when she sees them, she gives a big smile.

Helps Dad make a fire.  Before he lights the fire, she helps him ‘build’ the fire by adding little bits of wood found on the floor hehe

Finding her building blocs in interesting places…

Does not mind to sit by herself and play.

Our T.V. has this half way mark now…one half nice, clean and clear…the other has sticky hand prints and bits of food…o joy

She managed to switch our lounge computer off.

Gets all ‘happy’  when she sits on my lap or in her high chair and I start-up The Sims on my computer. She seems to really like that tune.

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