Author Archives: Andrea Häusler

9 Month old Baby Girl!


She can crawl!!!

Pulls a funny face when she has had enough to eat.

The cats don’t mind her so much any more.

Very Klingon…

Sits up (on her knees) in bed when she wakes up at night.

Likes to eat tomatoes, raisins, orange, yogurt and bananas.

Gives a really loud shout when she disapproves of something or is just plain old excited…she still flip-flaps too.

Points with her index finger.

Getting the hang of using her index finger and thumb to pick things up…like raisins, or stray cookie crums…

When helping her to walk, she picks up her feet.




Eight Month old Baby Girl


Our little girl likes to stand and makes her little body as stiff as a plank when we want her to sit.

She is eating 3 meals a day . Her fav is still Potato, Carrots and Lam. And she likes her Apple fruit tubs with a dash of cinnamon.

She really enjoys her daily bath times and its great fun to look for Dads reflection in the mirror then looking at him!

Making sounds like a-baba, dad, Aaa.

Likes to blow through her nose and squent her eyes.

Likes to open the fridge door on her Fisher Price Learn-and-Play Kithen. She can now ‘do’ all the things it has to offer. And likes it when Dad helps her to dance to the music!

Our noses are her fav bit to grab hold of and she has started to try to touch our eye balls, stick her little finger up your nose or in our mouth hehe

Finds it funny when our Kats come and sniff whatever it is she hold out to them. I think they are warming up to her.

Pulls herself up with her arms, she just needs to put some power in those chubby legs and then shes got it!

She sleeps pretty well, still have the odd night that goes all pearshaped, but she is totally worth it!

7 Month old Baby



Wow, so decided to make a list of all the things she can do now and stuff she likes and does not like:

She is doing little push-ups,

moves backwards once she is on her tummy by pushing with her arms,

bangs two plastic cups together,

eating Zwiebach toast, slice of peach or apple on her own,

turns around on her bum 90 degrees,

sticks her finger in her mouth and makes noices like she is trying to talk,

knows her name,

loves being tickled and her Daddy pretending to bite  her fingers off,

stretches out her arms to welcome Mommies boob hehe,

nussels into my chest when she has had enough,

likes watching the light flashing while a tune is being played by her ‘Learn and Play Kitchen’,

still likes to Flip-Flap when she gets excited,

does NOT like her Dr.,

gives a very High Pitched Screech when she is not happy about something and sometimes a bit of arm flapping is added just to make sure we get it,

‘bites’ down on her gums and then gives us this, I dunno, …a gum smile??? hehe,

likes to eat Potato, Lam and Carrot Mix baby Food,

still not totally cool with drinking from the No.4 Avent Dummies and does not like drinking from that little spout from a Sippy Cup,

is falling back to sleep by herself (now and again) when she wakes up at night after having given a wee cry.

We love her sooo much! So glad we have her!!

6 Months


She rolled over from her back onto her tummy ON HER HALF B-DAY!! She is getting much better at gripping things and over all a very happy little thing!

This morning she started moving around on her tummy and tonight she started with this backward wanna-be crawl…O, can’t wait for her to get moving!!

Trying to keep up with my reading regarding Baby Development week by week. Found some time today to have a look at it (we are now at 27 weeks) and not too sure what counts as Finger Foods for a baby this age…

Some how she seems to young for lets say a Bread Stick. And from what I see in the shops, babies from 10 months are allowed bread like stuff but there is nothing for a 6 month old. We still do not have a High Chair for her. We have just been using Bouncer to feed her in as we can adjust it so that she can sit quit nicely. Arrgg, the stress of it all sometimes!! Am I doing enough for her AT THE RIGHT AGE and and and…

We got her a Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Kitchen (in German) today. The thing looks and sounds cool! Can so see her playing with it for a good long time to come.

Getting her into bed at night is still a bit hard at times. Sometimes it goes really smooth, but most of the time its not all that nice. Think we have the hole routine thing down. She has her supper at 5, bath at 6-6:30 and then we have a last suck on Mommy. She usually falls asleep while sucking so then I just put her in her grip, but MOST of the time she wakes up just as I “unplug” her. And then well…it could go on for almost an hour till she finally settles down.

5 Months



Our little girl LOVES to gum down on a piece of cold cucumber, yes, we have now entered the teething faze…not so nice.

She wiggles around heaps. We put her down on her back to kick and play with her Baby Gym…and when we look again, she has made a full 180 degree turn!!

Everything MUST go to the mouth like feet, arms, stray fingers, little fists, spitting cloths and teddies. When she gets exited arms and legs go flip flapping to show you just how much fun she is having or how happy she is to see us! And if you are enjoying some hot weather, take care of over heating and make sure your little one is getting lots of fluids!! I never knew that babies can sweat, and heaps too!

4 Months old


She can now almost sit on her own! She turns her head to look at you when you call her and she loves sticking her legs in the air and grabbing hold of her feet. It’s amazing how much she can do already, we are so proud of her!

Strange to walk around the shops with her though. People really like to get her attention. Like the other day I was holding her in my arms, she was facing away from me, and while I was looking at some stuff on the shelf, a lady came walking by and just started making these smooching kissie faces at her and ignored me. And then later, an old man asked me if he could please have a look at her saying :”Ag we süß, wunderbar so fix und fertig ne.” And dressing her from head to toe in pink and still getting asked :”Ist es ein Bub oder ein Mädchen?”

Trying to find the right toys for her…so much to choose from! And we are thinking of getting a smaller pushchair to take with us when we go places coz the one we have now, though very sturdy and tuff takes up all the space in the back of our car and not all that easy to put up and down. The best would be to find a thing that can hold a MaxiCosi, but I have not found one that you can buy separate, you have to buy the hole set (pushchair, baby carrier and maxicosi) to get this small (ideal) three legged pushchair that can hold her type of car seat.

The Delivery…



Enter 2 February 2009…

Wow, what a day that was!! Finally we knew that she WAS COMING!!!

It happened in the weeeee hours of the morning. I felt super uncomfortable in bed around one in the morning and decided to get up coz I could not sleep anyways. Those fake labor cramps where coming very often I realized and so I decided to start timing it…we were already one week over due so…and THEN I got this painful cramp, and then every 4th cramp i got was really painful after that.  So finally  woke Mr. R up and we decided that this must be it and these painful cramps must be labor pains so we headed to the Hospital at 3 in the morning. We were laughing and joking about this hole thing because of the early hour and because we were really exited about it all!! (Geez, but I seem to like using the word Decided…will work on that)

I will not sit here and type that labor is fine, coz its not…its DAMN PAINFUL and I have sooooo much respect for women that can do it all with no medical help. So from the first pailful cramp to the last push, it all took us 8 hours. I tell you, it did not feel like 8 hours!! There was pain, and then the next moment she was on my chest with her Dad by our side.

Some more not so pleasant facts….

I lost my mucusplug about two hours into labor and if you have not been to the toilet to do a No.2…they will make you have a No.2 coz it acts as a block for baby to come out…nice.  You walk funny for a few days and your first shower after the drama is amazing! It takes time for your milk to come (thats if you are breastfeeding) and for your milk to come, you want baby to suck on you heaps…and it hurts after the first day. But as the saying goes..When it (starts) rain(ing)s, it (squirts like a fountain) pours.

You cannot prepare your self for this day so just go with it. You Can Do It!!!

I would just like to add that its a good idea to take birthing partner with that can tell you/help you to call down when the labor pains are at there worst and you are at your end…

Pregnancy: From the day we decided to D-Day


We decided that we where ready to go on this adventure on the 15th of February 2008 (on Daddy’s B-Day). When May came and no hint of PMS we knew this was it!

We recon the magic happened round about the 6 or 7th of May witch puts your Due Date at the 27th of January 2009.

Here is our baby at 6 weeks and 2 days…still very small, only 41mm. At this stage of the adventure, baby is called an Emryo and started as a Blastocyst in week one.


Here is our baby at 10 weeks. 10 WEEKS !!! 4 weeks ago, one could not really tell (or believe) that ”it” is a baby, but now we can!


I went for my 3d check-up yesterday (12 weeks along) and our doc had a 3d machine he was trying out. So we were kinda lucky to get pretty cool pics of our baby. Yesterday also marked the end of our first trimester. Our baby is safe now. We have also told family and friends that we are expecting.


Here we are at 20 Weeks and 6 Days. It is the 15th of September 2008.


27th of September 2008 today and we are a week and 2 days away from 6 months!! We have managed to clean out Dad’s office for our baby and we are getting things organized and ready. We are also happy to report that we have a Kinderwagen and a Car seat!! Pretty cool. Baby has also been moving around HEAPS inside Mummy the last two weeks! I must admit that I kinda like feeling the jiggies coz it makes me feel like everything is alright 🙂  O, and our baby still have not given up to us if ‘it’ is a girl or a boy. Our last two appointments with our Doc baby kept legs tightly crossed hehehe we don’t mind, aslong as baby is doing well and healthy.


29 of September 2008… Just got off the phone with Frau Schwarz. She is gonna be our Hebamme. And we are (again) super lucky coz her Voorbereitungs Kurz was full, but a lady called and said that she will not be able to take part so we got the spot today!! Whohoo!! Our classes starts the 20th of October and it will run till the 1st of December.


8 of October 2008… Next Monday is our next app. with our Dr. I have been reading heaps the last few days due to lack of wanting to do anything els. AND we got you some Froggy Baby Bodies  over the weekend!! And its not so easy to sleep any more…my tummy is getting big 🙂


26th of October 2008… We will be going to our second baby class tomorrow. I felt like the only prego chick…but after having been to class last Monday with 13 other prego’s, I feel not so alone any more!! hehe From 19 years of age to 45. From big to small. Most of the chicks are due come December. There is one due in Febuary. Four of the ladies are having there second child, so most of us are first timers. You are moving around HEAPS!!! And I am amazed at the power of your moves inside me. We are in our 27th week. Come Tuesday we start with week 28…a week away from our 7 months!!! Wow, that means me and Dad only have 2 months and a week to wait till we can hold you. Your Auntie Zani sent us some baby cloths on Friday and we will go pick up your bed next month from Weko.


8 November 2008… We are now at 7 months and 4 days. I am att a pic of us with your Kiwi Booties from V. Very sweet!!! The Booties have Possum Fur Soles and comes from ‘Handcrafted In Nelson’.



10 November 2008… Your a GIRL !!!! I went and got you your first pink items today too. A pink blankie and a pink outfit. So looking forward to holding you sweetheart!!!


22 November 2008… Feeling big and fat right now…We are in our 31st week. Today Daddy and I got you your first ‘New Born’ nappies!! 🙂 We also got you a little plastic duck that will tell us if your bath water is hot enough and we got some wet-wipes. OOoo, and your Auntie Lida sent you a little pink baby dragon and some other really cool stuff!! Sure you gonna love it 😉

So, not only will you be coming next year, but we will be moving to a new home too!!! Things are gonna be a bit crazy, but Daddy and I will have things under control and all will go just fine.

Going to put up a pic each week from now on…so here we are at 30 weeks and 4 days



23 November 2008… Feel like a change, so this move is gonna do me good! And I have been feeling like cutting my hair a wee bit shorter too…Mr. Right don’t like the idea though hehehe Anywayzzz, YOU MISSIE have started to kick something crazy!! And you push! I am sure I felt a foot or a butt pushing so hard I could FEEL it with ma hands!! How totally cool!! hehehe Apart from the total discomfort of it…

We are hoping to catch some of your activities on Video so you can see. So keep on moven Bebe!


1 December 2008… Tonight is our last Baby Class and next week Tuesday we will be going to see the Hospital were you will be born…hopefully hehehe Here is a pic of us at 31 Weeks and 2 Days.


Feeling big and its real hard to put on socks and shoes. Having a good nights sleep is something from the past for now and you REALLY LOVE putting your tiny feet under my ribs!! 🙂 Had a wee bit of a HELLP scare last week, but not to worry. I dont have it. Dad’s exams are coming up the 20th of January. Hoping for a stess-free enviroment for him…so being born on the 18th or 19th is not gonna work!! Famous last words maybe????? Will have to see 🙂


4 December 2008… We are now 32 Weeks and 2 Days prego! Its not comfortable any more!!! That bone thingie between my legs is sore and its making me waddle more, my back hurts, toilet, toilet and more toilet!! Att a pic of us at 8 months and 1 day. Wondering if your going to stay in me full term.



17  December  2008… Wow, I feel so pfakdhoeinakelra!!!!! Its starting to get super uncomfortable. We are now 34 weeks and 2 days prego. Some good news this week is that we got the flat that your Dad and I had our eye on!! Jippeee!!!! Now we need to start looking for a moving company…

I wake up about 4 to 5 times to go peepee and let me tell you, it ain’t no walk in the park getting out of bed any more! Thinking of starting to get my hospital bag ready…Traubenzucker and stuff. This week would also be a good week to start applying some oils combined with a little bit of stretching down by your exit…hehehe not so sure if I want to do it, but supose it cannot do any harm.

Anyways, here we are at 34 Weeks:



19 December 2008… I have desided that it would be a good idea to start getting my hospital bag ready…as baby girl can come any time from now. I might be a bit over eager, but  I am kinda hoping she comes before her due date not do a ‘over the due date’ move…

Got myself 3 shirts with buttons so its easier to get to the natural feeding bottles. A compfy pair of track pants. And I still need to pack some eats, toilet stuff, jacket and fluffy shoes.


23 December 2008… Here we are at week 35! Made an appointment with the Hospital to go sign papers and stuff on the 9th of January. It will make it a wee bit less stressful later when we go to the Hospital to give birth. Also, was at the Doc yesterday and our baby girl is head down. Great!! She is still sitting high. She will most  probably move down this week. This is called Lightening…makes me think of The Quickening (Highlander)…



27 December 2008…My hospital bag is ready, our baby girl can come now…really. Its time, you are ready to become an earthling…join the land of the living, breath air. I just have this feeling that she is gonna stay as long as she can inside me…I hope I am wrong.



3 January 2009… So went into the bathroom a few days ago while Mr. R was in the bath and as I as telling him something he then told me that I most probable cannot see it but,  he can see my stretch marks under my tummy!!! O NOOOOOOOOoooo!!

So yes, its has begun…glorious stretchies under by belly and on my hip fat. I feel so big and FAT…FAT FAT FATTY  FAT FAT !!!!! Give me another slice of pizza!!!!


4 January 2009… What a looooong wait…. I want to hold her! We have chosen a name for her. I have told my sisters what her name is, the rest of our family and friends will have to wait till  she is born 🙂


9 January 2009… Have not been putting up my weekly pics!! So here we go. This one is week 37.  Can not get week 36 to load…


We went to the Hospital today to ‘sign in’ so long. Took us an hour and a half. Baked my first ever cupcakes today too!! Mr Right took a REALLY cool pic of it!!



13 January 2009… SooooOooo. I think I am done, cooked, baked, ready, ”let’t go!”, charged. We are now 38 Weeks prego, and BIG. Cried today because of our clean flat that felt dirty, because friends wanted to came over to say ”hallo”, because I did not have a great time on the toilet trying to do a No.2, because the shopping needed to be done, because I am tired…..  😦

So my Mr. Right gave me a nice loooong hug and all was well again with the world 🙂 I am so lucky.



16 January 2009… Still pregnant. Was at the doc yesterday and all is still ok, just, our little girl has not moved down yet…so…as they say ”Patients is a virtue” and I am going for a walk each day. Really, did not think that it can be so painful to wobble all over the place. Why did no one tell me about this pain one gets between the legs???


22 January 2009… Was at the Doc today and our little girl has moved down a bit, but not much…she is not too small and every thing looks good. I am getting really heavy now. And the pain between the legs!!! Goodness, cannot wait for this hole thing to be over now. Mr Right and I went for a nice long walk around Bad Birnbach today and took some pics. It was our home for a year and (almost) a half. Will not be missing it 🙂 We have a date now for our big move. And should be snug as bugs come the 4th of Feb. in our new home. SooooOOooo looking forward to taking a shower instead of a bath!!


25 January 2009… Still pregnant…ai. Had a bad day today. Just want this to be over. My feelings (I suppose its the hormones) are just all over the place. And we have to keep the house spotlessly clean coz people are coming to check out the space…and I just dont feel like doing anything right now!!!! Our due date is the 27th, so 2 days to go. That is IF our baby girl comes on her due date. O, it would be so super nice if she did! So we are 39 Weeks and 5 days pregnant at this point. Its hard to think that I could still  actually be pregnant two weeks from now. From what I read on the net, one is only ”over due” when one goes over 42 Weeks!!!!



29 January 2009… Its 1:10 in the morning…I cannot sleep. Went to bed at 8 and slept for two hours but had such a bad nightmare that I really did not want to go back to bed just yet…so here I am. Still pregnant. And feeling fat. Cant wait to get rid of the fat! Most every body comments on how big my tummy is and that it MUST be a big baby. If she is, she is. I am hoping for a normal birth with no cutting and no eppi. Next week Tuesday is our big moving day, so hopefully she comes over the weekend or we will be giving birth in Köln. Don’t care too much. It will be a bit of a drag if she came on the 3d. Coz not sure how we will handle the moving and the birthing and I REALLY would like Mr. Right to be there when our little girl takes her first breath.

Lets hope for the best. So she must come now, tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday at the latest. Then only on the 4th or after.

Here we are at week 40 and 1 day:



31 January 2009… If she is not coming today, then she will be sharing her birthday month with her Dad. How cool is that! So yes, still prego. Today (that is if she does not come…) takes us to 4 days over due. I have another appointment with my doctor on Monday. It is time that I go to my doctor every two days so that they can check up on our little one and make sure she is not under any stress. I asked my Midwife how long they wait her in Germany before they induce and she said that if all is o.k. with the mother and the baby they wait up to 12 days after the due date…so…if that is the case with us then that means our baby will be coming on the 8th, 9th or 10th of February.

With the packing, all is going pretty well. Getting stuff sorted and found out that it aint no easy thing getting rid of a mattress that kittens pooped and peed on… The movers will be here real early on Tuesday. At 8 O’clock actually. Witch is kinda cool for us coz we will be able to get moving early to our new place!!


Cadence Häusler

Born on: 2 February 2009

At: 9:45 am (labour pains started around 3 am)

*Asked for a epidural when I was 8cm dilated and got one. Think I could have given birth all natural if my midwife helped me through.*

3685 g

55 cm tall

Head size: 34 cm

