1 1/2 Years Old


She is a busy little thing!

Have started to copy Dad when he counts down before throwing her on the bed. Sounds like ‘aan…tooo…TEE!’

Started to kinda run.

Loves Lemurs!

Have 8 teeth. 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.

Looks like pretend play is starting up. Likes her little black bear and brown bear the most and walks around with them, talk to them and give them a cuddle. Mommy and Daddy also have to give these two a cuddle from time to time.

Can say Ball and Bal

Can say Kick

Very good at fake crying and have also started to through a little bit of a wobbly when she does not get what she wants!

‘Talks’ and ‘Talks’ sometimes.


Can say Pap

Says Milk, sounds like Mauk

Can say Cookie

Signs: Cookie, Milk, Water, More and T.V.

She will bring her shoes if asked…then bring my shoes too hehe

Likes to put cream on her hand…she asks for Looloo

Does not mind her teeth being brushed

Says Baai…this has now also turned into a game. She says Baai then walks a few steps, turns around and says Baai again…and so on, you get the picture.

Likes riding her Little Tikes rocking horse

A bit of a T.V. addicts…

LOVES Broccoli !!

Can keep her balance nicely and can now slide down a slide without holding on to some ones hand.

LOVES the swings at the Zoo!

Very good at paging through books.

Says Peepee when she peepee’s or poo’s. She is still wearing diapers, but think the idea of what happens in them are starting to sink in.

We got her a potty a while ago, but this is more fun as a hat than a potty…

Can through a ball.

Does not like to eat tomatoes

Loves her milk in the morning

and likes to eat raisins.

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